The Mission of Friends of Youth Services & Palm Beach County, Inc., is to enhance, complement and/or provide support for the resources and service capacity of the Department of Youth Services, Community Services and other select entities in Palm Beach County to meet the needs of underserved and/or low-income residents of the county.
FRIENDS is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Federal ID Number: 65-0449910. FRIENDS is registered with the Florida Division of Consumer Services. Registration Number: #CH8107.
Friends of Youth Services & Palm Beach County, Inc. board members:
- Tara A. Finnigan, Esq.
- Rowena Albury
- Karen Christie
- Joe Peters
- Selma Verse

Make a Difference
Conveniently make a donation at the links below.
Current Projects
Friends of Youth Services & Palm Beach County, Inc. establish partnerships with various community organizations and groups for requested projects. These projects are community based and meet specific needs for the underserved and/or low income residents of Palm Beach County. Projects may or may not include fiduciary responsibilities.
Alyssa Sangeeta Jacobson Scholarship Fund
Apply for the Alyssa Sangeeta Jacobson Scholarship
Alyssa Sangeeta Jacobson, 23, passed away on Saturday, November 9, 2019, from injuries sustained while walking near her home. Alyssa was born October 17, 1996, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She was a graduate of Florida Atlantic University Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, and recently obtained her Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Florida Atlantic University. She brightened every room she went into and inspired her friends and family to enjoy each moment. Alyssa’s smile was infectious and she had a zest for life. She loved to travel with family and friends. Alyssa will be missed and never forgotten. This scholarship fund was established to honor Alyssa’s life and memory. The Alyssa Sangeeta Jacobson Scholarship will fund educational opportunities for young people.
Contributions can be made by check to Friends of Youth Services and Palm Beach County, Inc., 50 S. Military Trail, Ste. 203, West Palm Beach, FL 33415 – please note the Alyssa Sangeeta Jacobson Scholarship Fund on the memo line. You may also donate using a credit/debit card
or by clicking on the PayPal icon on this page.
All donations made through PayPal will be used to fund this Scholarship Fund. Donations are also accepted
through the United Way of Palm Beach County. You may donate by using a credit/debit card here or by
clicking on
the United Way of Palm Beach County icon on this page. To designate donation through United Way, enter Friends
of Youth Services and Palm Beach County, Inc. & the project name “Alyssa Sangeeta Jacobson Scholarship” in the
Comment section.
Summer Camp Scholarship Program (SCSP)
Watch Video: Palm Beach County Summer Camp Scholarships Available Now
The Summer Camp Scholarship Program provides full-tuition and fees for summer camp for children residing in families with income at or below 150% of Federal Poverty Guidelines. It allows parents to work with the knowledge that their children are safe. It gives children educational and recreational opportunities for growth. Parents may choose from participating camps in Palm Beach County.
Future Leaders United for Change
Future Leaders is a recommendation from of the Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures (Birth to 22). Future Leaders is responsible to provide input in the design, implementation and communication of an ongoing strategic plan for future community conversations, focus group discussions, interviews, surveys, youth summits. The council is comprised of a diverse cadre of local resident of Palm Beach County youth aged eleven (11) to twenty-two (22) and up to age twenty-four (24) to cater to young people who are or previously were homeless. The group will seek to engage youth who are court involved, experiencing homelessness, in foster care, racial minorities, have care-giving responsibilities, LGBTQ+, idle/disconnected, undocumented, and special needs. Future Leaders United for Change will bring youth perspectives to Birth to 22 United for Brighter Future on the following action areas: economic access, parenting and role models, social and emotional supports, educational supports, health and wellness supports, and removal of community stressors and systemic barriers.
Palm Beach County Department of Community Services, Division of Senior Services (DOSS)
DOSS administers to older adults a comprehensive range of programs that provide social and emotional well-being; encourage independence and support older adults and their caregivers within the community with dignity and choice. DOSS provides information and services through the following programs: nutrition program, case management, adult day care centers, and senior centers. Additional programs include: Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly (EHEAP), Information & Outreach & Referral, and Volunteerism.